‘Keep Up with the Joneses’!

July 12, 2019

We are an inquisitive nation and by extension an inquisitive people 😊!

Politically, we just cannot stop poking our [long] noses into others’ affairs … and more than that, commenting on the same.  We are ‘holier than thou’!

Locally, we must be part of the crowd – we just cannot mind our own business.

Socially, not only must we ‘keep up with the Joneses’ but we must comment on “them”, their life, clothes, dogs, cats and anything else we are inquisitive enough to bitch about.

We’ll stop to see an accident; we’ll mill around the affected; we’ll give our comments on who was right or wrong without even knowing anything about the incident; we’ll even pronounce judgement – all along with no relationship to affected parties concerned.  All because our voice must be heard above the din of another 50 onlookers with exactly the same purpose in mind 😊!

Oi people!!! ... Get a life!  There’s more to life than inquiring into our neighbors’ comings and goings; the food they eat; their lifestyle; or who they meet.

We should get our own house in order … after all, there’s another countless tongues wagging at [against] us too!

(Image sources- “www.cartoonstock.com”)


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