October 6, 2020
Hotels [rooms] marketing used to be so much
easier- you put an advert in the newspaper or magazine to promote your product or
facility or promotion. That’s IT!
TV was around but one of the most expensive
mediums to market a hotel- and only the large Hiltons, Hyatts and Sheratons of
the world used it.
Then came the ‘90s email usage on a
commercial basis, so we started emailing clients and guests.
Close on its heels came the WWW … followed by
our “friend”, SOCIAL MEDIA in the last decade!
Very very confusing … not only to customers –
with the JUNK being posted daily - but also to hotels.
Where &
who do we market to?
When will our customer be “online”?
Who will see our advert in the clutter &
junk of the information
available on the Web & Social?
Newspapers officially have a shelf life of 24
hours … in practice, it’s a few hours – the moment the paper is put back on the
coffee table, that’s it.
Magazines fare a little better (with their “official”
shelf life of a week or month- depending on its publication).
We dabble in WhatsApp and SMS content too …
not very satisfying!
…and SOCIAL … the amount of information
explosion taking place is phenomenal and mind boggling. A tweet is literally lost in seconds. Few years back I actually experimented one
day to see how many tweets used to go through on my account – I lost count
after 800 or so! Say a 1000 tweets in 9
hours! That was when I had just started
on Twitter. I don’t even want to try a
similar experiment today.
What’s the best platform for hotel services
marketing then?
Only time will tell how to really market the hotel
industry. For now, we dabble in FB, IG
or Twitter; maybe an advert in a newspaper; some messaging from time to time -
but I am at a complete loss as to what is the future of advertising &
marketing a hotel is in the 2020s and beyond!
Any guesses?
Ideas? Suggestions?
#hotelsservicesmarketing, #hotelsmarketing,
#advertisements, #hoteladvertising, #Facebook, #Twitter, #Instagram,
#PrintMedia, #Newspapers, #Magazine, #SocialMedia, #WWW, #WorldWideWeb, #Google,
#Yahoo, #SMS, #messaging, #WhatsApp, #marketing, #roomsmarketing,
#Food&Beverage, #F&B, #hotelrooms, #guestrooms, #hotelservices, #huffpost,
#HotelsinPakistan, #hotelsinkarachi, #hotelsinislamabad,
#hotelsinmultan, #hotelsinfaisalabad, #hotelsinlahore, #hotelsinGulberg,
#BeachLuxuryHotel, #AvariTowers, #AvariLahore, #AvariXpress, @Beach_Luxury @AvariTowers1986 @AvariLahore @AvariXpress
(info overload)
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