Common Sense has “left the building”!

March 15, 2019
(Image courtesy "") 

March 15, 2019 

Does one really need to have “common sense” not to throw trash on the road from the car?  What about a car tail-gaiting a motorcycle?  How about when I take my mother in law to the Gym at the hospital and every single time, I open and close the physiotherapy door on my own with no one helping an attendant pushing a wheel chair – not the nurses walking by nor the people sitting inside!?  Hey, how about spitting beetle nut on the side of the stairs? OR, the worst, urinating on the side of the road?

Do we really need to be taught common courtesies - isn’t it ingrained in humans since we are born?  NO.  Thinking back, I realize, what I take as common sense now wasn’t perceived so then.  I mean, why should I litter my own city?  Why should I break the signal?  Why spit on the stairs? 

So, the solution is going back to basics- EDUCATION & UPBRINGING … schools & family! 

Not only do our schools need to teach common sense to children, starting from NURSERY; but these values need to be reinforced by the family too.  If one is taught as a child that - - - he/she should not defile the environment; should open doors for elders; should assist a wheelchair person; should not interrupt conversations (I’m good at doing this!) - - - that will stick to them like glue for the rest of their life!

So, the new generation needs to be taught (and reinforced) COMMON SENSE in their daily dealings in life and with humans, animals & our environment.

Maybe, just maybe, we’ll be able to welcome back common sense then.

(Thanks to my wife for editing this post first)


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