March 26, 2020

Insurgencies, ethnic violence, civil wars, conflicts and over 200,000 deaths in 2019 alone!

·        Afghanistan conflict
·        Yemen crisis
·        Syrian civil war
·        Kurd conflict
·        Iraq conflict
·        Libyan conflict
·        Kashmir conflict
·        Palestinian conflict

This list doesn’t even touch on intra-country “insurgencies”!

…and now a virus pandemic…

My personal belief is that with the current Coronavirus trajectory, COVID19 has the potential to overshadow all these world conflicts & flashpoints with fatalities.

So, what’s going on? 

·        Is “nature” correcting this Century’s rife?
·        Is this a wake-up call to live within the resources that Earth has given us-
-          not to destroy it?
·        Maybe this is meant to teach us forgiveness & humility towards fellow man-
-          not hubris & greed?
·        Should we encourage education & knowledge for the betterment of mankind-
-          not child labor?
·        If science is to lead the path for a better tomorrow, wouldn’t it be better to do it collaboratively and collectively-
-          rather than conflict & strife?
·        Wasn’t religion meant for our salvation & give a purpose to life,
-          not as a means to power?
·        Is this pandemic a test to measure the level of universal aid & collaboration-
-          or politics getting the better of humanity?
·        Maybe the world needs to concentrate on “small government” to help citizens-
-           not big business? 
·        Is this pandemic a test to measure the level of universal aid & collaboration-
                                    -          or politics getting the better of humanity? 

…OR, maybe the answer is ALL OF THE ABOVE???


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