The Sins of Social Media!
May 22, 2019
The most hyped concept since the last decade – and growing ever
stronger – has got some amazing advantages and strengths-
It’s brought old friends, &
“flames”, together!
It acts as a mass “alerts” &
warnings medium.
Sharing of experiences, travels,
musings, ideas and what-not!
It’s characteristic of being such a
positive influencer on one’s actions and thoughts!
…and so many other advantages each of
us have individually experienced.
However, we have witnessed it’s negative side too ☹
Creating a negative influence and
perception- and thereafter a mass “conversation” where none should have even
The times when people have falsely
posted a [perceived] negative experience about one of our hotels- when that’s
not been the factual case.
The power of sharing a negative post
without giving a chance to the party to first explain themselves.
How a post goes viral with, and by,
people who have no knowledge of the events or experiences mentioned.
Once posted, the damage is done – to
try to extricate yourself from that or explain your side of the story is too
late. The damage done to the affected
party can be very severe, cruel and unnecessary.
The problem is that the influencer
sets the negative tone and content without giving the party a chance to explain
their side of the story.
I believe the modus operandi is very simple-
Never post negative on social media about
another party (see qualification below);
I have taken up my problems directly
with the other party – and even if they can’t solve the problem, their
explanation is enough to clear the air.
On a one-to-one basis, first give the
other party a chance to explain their point of view, any compulsions or
limitations and, even, solutions. Why
take it on social media without first communicating with the party causing
Lastly, if – and only if – your
experience with the party is still so bad, would you even consider going onto
social media.
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