WHO wants to be a … POLITICIAN !?

February 8, 2019

I think you, not only, need to have some “balls” (pardon my French please!) but you can’t get emotional. 

Let’s see-

Definitely, you should be able to take & accept criticism.  You would need to accept changes to your “grandiose” ideas and possibly “idealistic” thinking, which may have brought you into this field in the first place.

You need to have a Rhino’s “hide”!  We mortals can’t be public representatives.

Your family life is absolutely exposed!  Your every action, words (and thoughts!) are at the mercy of the public – you can’t hide behind “having a private life”!  Oh no, sireee bob! 

You should be able to manage people & meetings (boy, will you have plenty of those!) and be willing to accept conflicting viewpoints & opinions (naturally, the buck stops with you so you have to make the final call).

You will be in 24/7 crisis mode !

You should be able to hold your own in the face of the media, the public, your own colleagues – let alone the opposition.

What other qualities does one need to be a public representative?

I could never be a politician or a public representative… I’m too emotional.  Could you ???


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