
Showing posts from July, 2019

Gotta be … Grateful!

July 23, 2019 This Instagram post from @house.of.leaders got me thinking... There is a growing disparity I see in our daily lives between the those of us who “have” and the rest of our society.  There is a gulf which grows as the years progress. Information technology, medical technology, smart phones, mortality rates and so much more are, without doubt, getting better – yet I believe the standards of life, in general, are getting worse for the vast majority of the world!  As I type this on my laptop in the comfort of my chilled room, @house.of.leaders’ quote glares at me in my face, as I realize 70% of the rest of our Country is withering away in the heat, families trying to get their children a minimal education, so that they can at least read & write, let alone own or use a laptop. We have a roof over our heads; we wear clean clothes and shoes; have access to daily food, electricity, water, education, transport, medicines, justice … all of which we...

Are you a Parent or are you their BEST Friend?

July 17, 2019 Can we be both to our children? There are so many people who believe so! As a parent, you should be your child’s friend; but, can you be their “ BEST ” friend?   Should you be? At the very heart of this question is the quote mentioned above- and in my opinion to raise your children well you cannot be their BEST FRIEND .   You can be close friends.   To be a good kid entails us, as parents, TO BE PARENTS .   How can we correct our child if we are their best friend?   How can we teach, encourage, feed, advice, “tell”, scold or do so many other things which, as a parent, you can do but as a best friend you cannot or may not be able to? Practically speaking, even between friends it's difficult (though not impossible), to correct your best friend– however, as a parent you don’t have that worry. However, if you are your child’s best friend & vice-versa, won’t you spoil them to maintain that friendship level?   Would ...

‘Keep Up with the Joneses’!

July 12, 2019 We are an inquisitive nation and by extension an inquisitive people 😊 ! Politically, we just cannot stop poking our [long] noses into others’ affairs … and more than that, commenting on the same.   We are ‘holier than thou’! Locally, we must be part of the crowd – we just cannot mind our own business. Socially, not only must we ‘k eep up with the Joneses ’ but we must comment on “them”, their life, clothes, dogs, cats and anything else we are inquisitive enough to bitch about. We’ll stop to see an accident; we’ll mill around the affected; we’ll give our comments on who was right or wrong without even knowing anything about the incident; we’ll even pronounce judgement – all along with no relationship to affected parties concerned.   All because our voice must be heard above the din of another 50 onlookers with exactly the same purpose in mind 😊 ! Oi people!!! ... Get a life!   There’s more to life than inquiring into our neigh...

Can We Please BAN Motorcycles on Karachi’s Roads!?

(Photo Credit- ) July 3, 2019     Of course we … cannot ! Like any other vehicle, if driven responsibly and safely, motorcycles are lots of fun and easier to get around a big city than a car.   Majority of the World’s developing nations rely on this transport. Continuing with my earlier thoughts on this - - they are [one of] the bane of my existence! Motorcyclists in Karachi are the most reckless drivers, followed closely by truckers & buses; they don’t follow the rules or the law; they don’t believe in personal safety, let alone another commuter’s safety; and they believe they are the kings of the roads!   Road tests to get them to drive in a specified lane could not even be implemented successfully. Karachi does not have any other reasonable alternative or adequate means of commute – our “metro” is non existent and th...