“Lockdown or Not to Lockdown – That Is The Question” (Further Harangues of a Layman [COVID]- 3)
May 30, 2020 (This is a long article) (photo credit- webmd.com) Since my last “diatribe” on this topic ( https://dinshawavari.com/2020/04/19/imitation-is-the-sincerest-form-of-flattery-further-ramblings-of-a-layman-covid-2/ ), we have opened a lot of our lockdown sectors, retail outlets, business, etc. Now comes the question- has lockdown helped or not? 1. Personally I believe that lockdown was an important strategy at the outset of this pandemic- however, it should have been all encompassing and stricter. Our businesses have been closed for last two months instead of 2-3 weeks – and that is due to a “hybrid” system instead of “total” lockdown. However, dynamics have changed. Two months without income cannot sustain any economic band of society- it’s just not possible. Giving credit where it’s due - to the State Bank and the Federal Government for supporting companies and businesses - is important but it isn’t e...